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Professor Nei Kato from Tohoku University in Japan visited the College of Communication Engineering for academic exchanges

March 4, 2021   browse:

Posted on: 2017-11-17

According to the work arrangement of Jilin University’s70th Anniversary Series of Academic Activities, on April 29, the college invited Professor Nei Kato from Tohoku University in Japan, an internationally renowned expert in wireless communications and communications networks, IEEE Fellow, to visit the university for academic exchanges. Professor Song Lingyang of Peking University accompanied him during the visit. Professor Zhao Xiaohui, Dean of the College of Communication Engineering, presided over the meeting. More than 100 representatives of teachers and students from the college participated in the academic exchange activities.


Professor Nei Kato gave an academic report titled IoT: Towards a Connected Era - Research Directions and Social Impacts, focusing on the research direction in the future and social impact of the Internet of Things. He proposed in his report that the Internet of Things would be the cornerstone of the future information and communication ecosystem. At the meeting, he shared with us the latest research results in the field of Internet of Things, put forward key technologies for the future of the Internet of Things, answered questions raised by us patiently and in detail, and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with teachers and students. Rounds of applause can be heard from time to time on the scene.


Professor Song Lingyang shared his latest research result: Caching as a Service: Wireless Caching Mechanism Design for Service Providers with teachers and students. After the meeting, Professor Nei Kato and Professor Song Lingyang conducted in-depth exchanges on the publication of papers and how to guide and supervise graduate students. They also discussed how to publish high-level academic papers in IEEE journals.


Nei Kato is currently serving as a strategic advisor to the President of Tohoku University in Japan. He was Dean of the Institute of Electronics and Communications at Tohoku University in 2015. His research interests mainly focus on computer networks, wireless mobile communications, satellite communications, Ad hoc & sensor networks, smart grids, and pattern recognition and has published more than 300 journals and conference papers. Now He is a member of the IEEE Communications Association Committee, Vice Chairman of the IEEE Computer Association Academician Committee, and a member of the IEEE Computer Association and Communications Association Award Committee. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE online magazine, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Internet of Things journal, and editor of many other important international journals, guest editors and advocates of important international conferences in the field of communications. As a fellow of IEEE and IEICE, he has won many awards including IEEE, IEICE, KDDI, IEEE GLOBECOM/WCNC/VTC, etc. By inviting internationally renowned scholars to visit or college for academic exchanges, we aim to expand the research and innovation capabilities of our college, speed up the development of frontier disciplines, promote the cultivation of innovative talents, so as to contribute to the construction of the college.