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Researcher Liu Ming from the British Institute of Telecommunications visited our college for academic exchanges

March 4, 2021   browse:

Posted on: 2017-11-17

Recently, researcher Liu Ming from the British Institute of Telecommunications was invited to the College of Communication Engineering for academic exchanges. The academic report meeting was held on the Nanling campus. Representatives of teachers and students from our college attended the meeting.


Researcher Liu Ming delivered academic reports entitled Predictive Analytics on Big Data, Surveillance Population, Syndromic Surveillance, Mobile Malaria Larval Source Surveillance, and Intelligent Campus on Smart Learning. At the meeting, Professor Liu Ming explained and presented the research results to the teachers and students of our college in an easily understandable way by referring to his own practical experience in industry and aviation. His rigorous attitude towards academic undertaking and profound academic knowledge left a deep impression on the teachers and students present. He took the questions from them and deepened the academic exchanges.


After the meeting, teachers and students all remarked that this was a highly rewarding academic report meeting.